Below is a recent case where the purchasers of a plaster home were seeking assurances as to the condition and health of the property. Their investigations and advice led them to request the Mdu Probe System be installed as part of their due diligence. However the vendors refused and the purchasers are now prudently taking their business elsewhere, for the reasons explained by the purchaser in the below email:
From: David (PURCHASER)
Sent: Tuesday, 15 May
Subject: RE: Mdu PROBE System for “xxxxxxx”Hi Greg,
Just to let you know the sale has fallen through.
The vendors have refused to allow us to do due diligence (i.e. install the Mdu Probe System), as recommended by our inspectors and legal representative. Two reasons were presented by the owners:
1) the probes are too invasive, and
2) that we might use the results to insist that remedial work is completed.We can only assume that they either have something to hide, or don’t understand the realities of selling a plaster clad house in NZ.
Thanks for your time. We will now look at other properties.